Archive for the ‘IDE’ Category
Passing the Joel test – step 1 setting up a versioning system for Windows
Until the last PHP conference I attended (the PHP benelux conference 2010) I used an normal Windows XP installation with a Zend Server CE installation on it at home, and yeah it worked. At the office we already used versioning, bug tracking and some other Joel points. I could see the advantages clearly, even if I was developing on my own at home but I just couldn’t find time and motivation to start converting my home server to something more serious. That is until I attended a track on the Joel test of lornajane. (Slides are available here). I thought it would be a nice idea to keep my Windows installation on the server during this adventure to pass the Joel test. Read the rest of this entry »
8 Netbeans tips to speed up development
Netbeans is a great editor, below some tips to get the best out of it.
Use the shortkey for “Last Edit Location” default: CTRL+Q
Often I’m editing file and browse to another location inside the file. To go back to where I was Last Edit Location is a nice feature, it replaces the use of ctrl-z + ctrl-y to go to the previous location without changing anything. By htting the key multiple times all edit locations will be traveled.
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IDE roundup, 10 reasons why every PHP developer should try Netbeans
- Eclipse PDT / Aptana with PHP Plugin
- Zend Studio 6
- Zend Studio 7
- Notepad++
- NuSphere PHPED